Sunday 25 October 2015

Dividing a square into 4 parts

Can we divide a square into 4 equal parts? If so, how many ways are there to do it?
Solution:: First when we look at this question we think its pretty simple...
                  Can anyone tell us how many ways you can divide this??
                  First we will start with our basic approach divide horizontally and vertically,
                  and draw a horizontal and vertical line through the centre and so on..
                   There are many more ways to do this..

                   Let's draw a circle circumscribing or inscribing the given square and now draw
                   Perpendicular see there are many answers to this..
                   The answer to this question is very the centre of the circle draw two
                    lines that are perpendicular (90°) to each other.. This gives us 4 equal parts.
Now can we divide a square into 3 equal parts??

Answer :: It's so simple. At the centre of the circle divide the angle 360°  into 3 parts..roughly 120° each....

Can we divide a square into 12 equal parts??

If you get the answer then you started thinking logically.

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