Sunday 25 October 2015

How to think better and why it is needed

Let's start like this.

What is the reason that we are being educated? How the education help us in achieving better things??

The reason we learn many things every day in and day out is that when we learn about the inventions or discoveries then our brain starts ticking and the process of learning kick starts. When you are fascinated with an idea or an approach that led to the evolutions then you think what am I going to do after I grow big? How should I live and how can I create something big and useful to the people.

Suppose if a scientist thinks that after sending a rocket into space is enough then we cannot have this kind of visual experience to our eyes what's going on around the world each and every second, Even if a chemist is satisfied after finding a cure to a diseased tissue in the body then all so we face a problem because there are many tissues in the body and whenever a particular tissue is hurt we need to cure that

When we desire something then we can become something. If not then we will be remaining as we are and what we are. We have to aim and achieve big then atleast our desires will be fulfilled. We are living in a society where we interact with different kinds of people every day.

The amount of work we do is directly related to the amount of problems we come across in our lives and is some way its related to number of things we want to simplify.


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